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My Love,
I was born the day you kissed me;  died the day you left me; but lived during the time you loved me.  I miss you so very much.  And if I had you forever it still would not be long enough. 
I love you Paul.
where to start god knows ours friendship was one in a million paul was my best friend and everyone knew it.we all knew paul was a nut yall know all the memories.the car crash,him taken my food away from me, let see should i go on lol. i will miss him so much and never forget him i had lots of good times with paul and the whole time me and paul was friends we was never mad at i dont got my sidekick on pal so yall prolly wont see me on much at all. anyways i could write about paul all day most of yall know the things that happen when me and paul got together.well i am done for now so i will close out by saying i love you and you will always be my best friend paul.
Mr Cyber 66
i met this fool on paltalk under the nic name

Z71-OFF ROAD aka (PUSH-UP-ON-IT) one day and my life was never the same he was one of the greastet people in the world. there is so many memories of paul i dont know were to begin or were to end. we had so many fun times on pal it wasnt funny and we had our bad times as well together but i do know one thing it will never be the same with out him

miss ya bro love terry



                     I MISS YOU BROTHER

Happy Birthday my love.  I miss you so much.  I will always love you.  You are my world Paul.  My life will never be the same without you.  So many things left unsaid and left unanswered, never the less  I am yours FOREVER. We took a hell of a ride together my love. But what a ride it was! And even if the outcome would be exactly the same I would gladly do all over again.  I would rather have had you in my life a brief moment than to never have had you at all.

Til the wheels fall off my love,

Your Wife


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